Dreams can come true, rooms too …
The time had finally come for us to move into our new premises. After great anticipation and excellent planning, the entire move into the new studio took place over the weekend, completed in a matter of just two days!

Well protected and perfectly equipped
Fits like a glove: the fixtures for the new studio. Still being adjusted: the kitchen on the top level. Further highlights on this week’s schedule are the seating on the office level and the concise design of the styling area. Clearly labelled drawers ensure our wide range of care and styling products can easily be found. In prime position: the smart lounge furniture, which will assume its place at the window next week, offering commanding views. Close by will be the new coffee machine, ready to revitalise energies.

Served up ready: the custom-made studio fixtures
If you happen to be wondering why our live cam has had so little manpower to offer recently, here’s the answer: at Wiethe, some of our terrific work is carried out behind closed doors. Which is exactly why our busy cabinetmaker is currently working in his own workshop, stoking the element of surprise at the same time. The best results will be transported to the new office level this week.

Back wall weeks at Wiethe
Following the physically demanding final spurt at the construction site in the 44th calendar week, this week is dedicated to general backing. To be more precise: the reinforcing back walls. Very heavy fibre cement boards provide the necessary stability for our styling and photo boxes, with their extremely sturdy construction making a valuable contribution to their upright position. The reception area also benefits from this type of interior construction, ensuring our customers are also given a warm welcome to the new studio.

Getting down to the nitty gritty!
The tasks for this week’s schedule are enough to give anyone a headache: the final inspection of the building site to complete the reconstruction work to date. Not an easy task within such a tight schedule as ours. The extensive construction work of the past four months, however, is the basis for the successful interior design.

As cool as ice
What seems from a distance to be an enormous, glassy sheet of ice is the fantastic basis for our photographic & video work. The high-gloss look of the coated screed has a stylish and cool effect - which perfectly matches our high demands on design as an eFashion company. Although our team is not (yet) running on blades, shooting and filming at the new studio are performed professionally and speedily. The experienced interplay between team & technology make sure of this - backed by a perfect, clear-cut workflow.

"The journey is the reward."
This statement could more or less be the motto of the current building operation. Although the path taken is indeed stony – here, too, each step of the way is worthwhile: after all, the stairway now being worked on will soon be our daily way up to the second level.
We are also taking great strides with the electrics and the heating system. The final assembly is next on the list, scheduled in for this week and the next. The interior doors have also pretty much been installed – mounting will be completed some time this week.

Irradiance ...
Painters really do excel at their job: the pillars and walls shine in new splendour, reflecting the golden light of the sun. We are all utterly thrilled. Can there be a brighter way to usher in the autumn?
Intoxicated by this exceedingly picturesque view, we smoothly enter new territory – enabling us to reach the next level at lightning speed: the next fortnight will be dedicated to the flooring for the second level.

Time to roll the sleeves up again ...
Everything’s running smoothly: the installation of the big sectional door on the studio side away from the water is on the plan for the next fortnight. The main advantage of this kind of door is that the rail-guided segments are stored horizontally below the ceiling, saving space, leaving the area around the door and the doorway free at all times. Modern technology enabling the quick and comfortable delivery of goods.

Effective drainage takes us half way to the finish line
According to ancient wisdom, rapid drainage is vital. What this knowledge means with regard to the new studio is that our workmen will have a very perceptible feel of this: after all, according to the construction plan, they have only one week to install several hundred metres of drainage troughs. To ensure better rainwater drainage, hollows will first be dug to sink the metal sections and drain pipes.
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